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Justin Gable, OP

Professor of Philosophy


  • PhD, Philosophy, Fordham University
  • MA, Philosophy, Fordham University
  • BA, Philosophy, University of San Francisco

Research Interests

  • Phenomenology
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Bioethics
  • Medieval Philosophy; metaphysics and epistemology

Courses Taught

  • Life and Death of Edith Stein (PHST-4115)
  • The Masters of Suspicion (PHST-4380)
  • Phenomenology of the Other (PH-4445)
  • Approached of Embodiment (PH-4500)
  • Contemporary Philosophy (PH-2001)
  • Twentieth Century Thomism (PH-4011)
  • Philosophical (General) Ethics (PH-1008)
  • Aristotelian Logic (PH-1115)
  • St. Thomas on the Cardinal Virtues (PHCE-4825)
  • Early Heidegger (PHST-4364)

Recent Publications

  • “Revisionism or Within the Roman Catholic Ethical Tradition? Pope John Book Reviews Paul II on Assisted Nutrition and Hydration,” Catholic University of America Press, forthcoming 2017.
  • “Direct Service Between Athens and Jerusalem: On the Purpose and Organizing Principles of the Dominican Colloquia in Berkeley,” (with Bryan Kromholtz, O.P.), Nova et Vetera 14, no. 2 (2016): 403-07
  • Book Review: Metaphor and Continental Philosophy: From Kant to Derrida, by Clive Cazeaux, in Review of Metaphysics 63, no. 4: 911-13

From the Professor

It is wonderful to see students dialoguing, analyzing, and making arguments in class discussion, or reaching that moment of insight when what they have been reading really begins to make sense. It is amazing to see students taking delight in their study and the contemplation of the truth.

St. Thomas Aquinas is for me a model for how to go about philosophizing: he always gives his interlocutors ample consideration, and their arguments and viewpoints, even when seriously flawed, always influence Aquinas' own treatment of an issue. His own account always seeks to respond to their concerns and incorporate their genuine insights. I have also come to admire the philosophical approach of Edmund Husserl. In addition to his detailed descriptive analysis of human experience, Husserl was constantly re-examining his own work, constantly revising and deepening his own position. He referred to himself as a “perpetual beginner,” and for me this highlights the diligence and humility needed to consistently strive for the truth.

I hope that my teaching will assist my students in developing that ability or habit of mind we might call “critical thinking,” a facility for analyzing and actively engaging issues, instead of passively receiving information. But perhaps most of all, I would hope that my students walk away from their courses having fallen even more in love with the truth of things, and having developed a passion for learning and study as their permanent way of life.

I am a member of The American Maritain Association (Vice President from 2012-2016), The American Catholic Philosophical Association, The American Philosophical Association and The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.

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